Thursday, January 29, 2009

Climbing Adventure

Earlier when my daughter is in the living room she uses the dog as a ladder to climb up the table to reach some stuff. After few minutes the dog gets tired and need to move to stay away from her.

My hubby and I are laughing because she was hanging up the table and she wants to get down. She was screaming so hard because she was kind of scared and wants someone to help her to get down.

Of course MOM always there watching and ready to rescue, after helping her down she give me a big smile and it just like she is ready to go another climbing adventure.

That's all for today and be happy!

Friday, January 23, 2009


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I know my nieces would love to have one of her favorite book so I am going to surprise her by purchasing it right now! So, guys if you are interested to learn more information please do not hesitate to click the link that I have provided above.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone! It is been more than a week since I update this world of mine. My hubby and I are always busy doing some stuff so I don't have much time to seat down in the computer and do my stuff online.

Since I am waiting for Google update I didn't realize that it is already done. Today I just found out that Google update was made on December 31, 2008.

Same as usual this blog of mine never gain page rank again since I start doing opps. Oh well, whatever it takes to get my page back I am going to wait LOL...

I know Mr. G will love me in the end so I am still waiting for that time to come LOL...kidding aside I hope you guys having a good day!

See you later and happy blogging!