Friday, March 21, 2008

Kids Party

It's my step daughter birthday today and she invites some friends to come over at home. They arrived yesterday and planning to get home tomorrow. I don't have much sleep last night because there partying until past 3:00am.

After listening of too much scream I went out last night in our room and told them to go bed and be quiet. Huh Im getting old don't wanna hear to much noise (lol) I remember when I was young when we go people houses we are not allowed to make noise. My parents always says be formal.

Until now Im still in the process of comparing kids in philippines and in USA. It's very diferent (lol) I prepare Filipino culture when it comes in disciplining kids. I always told to my husband that my daughter will grow up the way that I want not the way she want.

The most important to me she learn the meaning of respect because base in my obserevation most kids here in US don't show too much respect to older people.

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